f elix waller

programmer & musician

New New Blog!


> for when the old new blog just wasn't new enough

Whoooo!!! It’s here!!!

After a great deal of work my new website is finally finished! Built with Astro and love, I’ve completely nuked the old site in favour of taking the web back to its roots, where a website was just a collection of links and text.

At launch, I’ve kept it pretty bare-bones: I’ve included only a couple of projects (one of which isn’t quite released yet), a single blog post (yes I mean this one) and not only are there zero interactive elements, there are no pictures either!

Over time I’ll add some playful elements and even some colour (daring, I know), or maybe I won’t. Who knows?

For now I’m focusing on reanimating some projects from my graveyard of ideas, so check back for new releases soon™.

Got questions or comments? Let me know:

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