I'm a programmer studying computer science at The University of Manchester. I'm also a musician studying cello with Simon Turner and Jonathan Pether.
I'm interested in web development and strive to create beautiful designs that care for those that use them.
I'm currently working on finishing some projects from my graveyard of ideas, so check back for new releases soon™.
featured projects
> glowing compliments for your daily achievements
Celebrate is a small webapp, promoting positive thinking. Write down everything you've achieved that day, no matter how small, and earn a glowing compliment. Listing things you've done helps reduce stress about productivity and compliments can increase your appreciation of what you've achieved.
> Eurovision fun with friends
Eurotally is a Eurovision companion app allowing friends to rate each performance in all sorts of categories ranging from the vocals to the outfits. See what your friends think of your favourite songs.
> free yourself of the past
muse is a webapp for stream-of-consciousness journalling. By limiting you to 99 short lines of text, with no ability to edit, it encourages you to write exactly as you feel in the moment. Then, you can save your musings, before watching your words fade into the past.
The Art of Listening to Yourself
> no this is not a self help blog
Recursive Components for Mundane Tasks
> in which I create solutions to problems of my own making
#webdev #astro #markdown
New New Blog!
> for when the old new blog just wasn't new enough
#meta #webdev